Cast your vote in the upcoming 2023 Local Government Ordinary Election.

Enrol to vote by August 25
Post your vote by October 17
Election day is October 21

Young voters are underrepresented in Local Government elections

Young people aged 18-24 make up just over 5% of voters in Local Government elections

Despite making up over 10% of the eligible voting population

Voters aged 65+ make up over 35% of voters in Local Government elections

Despite making up just over 23% of the eligible voting population

Do you see the problem?

Elected officials in Local Government are more likely to represent the interests of those who voted them in. The issues and priorities of young people are going undiscussed in Local Government. This is an issue for everyone!

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YOU can make a difference

An election is coming up!

The 2023 Local Government Ordinary Elections is coming up in October. This is your opportunity to assert the voices of young people in your LGA.

It's easy to vote

You can often vote either in-person or by postal vote. Check what the rules are in your LGA.

Who's running?

Have a look into who the nominees in your area are. What platforms are they running on? What different could each nominee make for the lives of young people in their area?

How do elections even work?

Local government elections

Every two years, local government elections are held, where half of every council is up for election. Each councillor is elected for a four-year term.

Voting in local government elections is not compulsory, but we strongly encourage you to vote to make sure the perspectives of young people are heard.

Am I eligible to vote?

Make sure you are enrolled on the electoral roll before August 25 so you can vote in the upcoming election. This is the same electoral roll for state and federal elections, so if you have voted before, you are already enrolled!

You can enrol even if you are 16 or 17, but you won't be able to vote until you are 18.

Make sure your information on the electoral roll is correct. If you have moved addresses or changed your name, you must update your information before August 25 in order to vote in the local election.

Click here to enrol to vote or update your information
Click here to check you are enrolled

How do I vote?

There are a few ways that local governments run their elections. Check your local government website to get the specific information for your local government area.

Postal voting

Most local government elections are run entirely or predominantly through postal voting.

As long as you are correctly enrolled to vote through the AEC, you will be sent a postal voting package around 2-3 weeks before the election. This will typically include a list of candidates, ballot papers, instructions on how to vote, a declaration, and an envelope. Read through the instructions, make your vote, seal the envelope, and post it in the mail. You won't need a stamp and postage will be free.

Try and submit you vote as soon as possible, as it must arrive to your local government's Returning Officer by October 21 at 6:00PM. The DLGSC says all postal votes must be posted by October 17 at 4:00PM, but the earlier the better.

If you've missed the deadline or aren't sure it will be posted in time, check your local government website to see where you can hand it directly to the Returning Officer. You should be able to hand it in before October 21 at 6:00PM.

In person voting

Some governments have the option of voting in person on October 21. Check your local government website to see where you can vote.

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